Published Papers


Paying for Expertise: The Effect of Experience on Reinsurance Demand with J. Tyler Leverty and Kenny Wunder,  Journal of Risk and Insurance,  Vol 88, Issue 3: 727-756, 2021. 

Optimizing Forecast-based Actions for Extreme Rainfall Events with Jonathan Lala (lead author), Juan Bazo, and Paul Block. Climate Risk Management, Vol 34 (2021) 100374

Working Papers

 Does Getting Forecasts Earlier Matter? Evidence from Advisory Lead Times and Vehicle Crashes (Conditionally accepted at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy)

(Earlier version titled 'The Value of Forecast Improvements: Evidence from Advisory Lead Times and Vehicle Crashes')

Forecast-based Financing for Risk Mitigation (2022)

Upcoming Presentations: AERE-SEA Annual Meeting, November 2024, DC

Past presentations: American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) Annual Meeting 2023, Washington, DC.

Weather Stations and Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Historical Data in the US (with Honglin Li) (Working paper available on request)

Upcoming Presentations: AERE Summer Conference, May 2024, DC

When does Forecast-based Insurance benefit? A Study on Drought Risk Mitigation with Leah Poole, Alexa Gozdiff, and Erin Coughlan de Perez (Working paper available on request)

Select Research in Progress

 Implications of Forecast Improvements for Insurance Demand (Working paper coming soon!)

Upcoming Presentations: ARIA Annual Meeting, August 2024, Denver

Determinants of Risk Mitigation Actions: Evidence from Public Advisories and COVID-Induced Shocks with Mark Browne and Xiao (Joyce) Lin

Upcoming Presentations: ARIA Annual Meeting, August 2024, Denver; AERE-SEA Annual Meeting, November 2024, DC

Climate Change and Cost of Equity Capital for Property Liability Insurers with Yuluen Ma and Yayuan Ren

Upcoming Presentations: ARIA Annual Meeting, August 2024, Denver

Regulatory Reform and Resilience: The Effect of Certified Reinsurer Programs on U.S. Insurance Markets with Doug Bujakowski and Kyeonghee Kim

Upcoming Presentations: ARIA Annual Meeting, August 2024, Denver

Estimating Climate Change Damages: Accounting for Heterogeneous Beliefs in Forecast-Based Adaptation

Upcoming Presentations: AERE-SEA Annual Meeting, November 2024, DC

Hedging Climate Risk with Zhanbing Xiao and John C. Chu

Weather Forecasts and Industrial Profitability: Evidence from Monsoon Forecasts and Industry Survey in India (with Maulik Jagnani)